Sandy Schlappe
Founding Pastor
(formerly Sandy Harmon)
Eirēnē (i-ray-nay), Strong’s No. 1515 means “To join, peace, prosperity, one, quietness, rest + set at one again”
This is what has happened between us and God because of Jesus Christ!
Eirene is the Greek word for “Peace”, and this is what has taken place between God and us because of Jesus Christ. That is good news and if you have met Sandy, then you know that Eirene is her favorite word!
The call on Sandy’s life is to empower God’s people through the grace and truth found in Jesus Christ. Acts 26:18 says “to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.”
Sandy’s story begins with difficulty and in a way that is familiar to many who do not fully know what Jesus did for them on the cross. Her life took a dramatic turn once she came to this revelation and her story continues to be a testimony of the love and faithfulness of God!
You can read Sandy’s story by visiting A Pharisee Set Free at Andrew Wommack Ministries’ website. Because of the extensive healing that the Lord brought to Sandy’s heart, she now ministers to many who have been hurt, abused and held in bondage by religion and the things of this world. We can all experience the love and healing that Jesus died to give us!
In 2005 Sandy was ordained by Andrew Wommack, President and Founder of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. Click here to listen to the word spoken over Sandy by Andrew and others at Sandy’s ordination.
In 2006 the Lord spoke to Sandy about the church that she would one day start. This church would be a body of believers who are thriving and fully walking in their freedom and abundance in Christ. At times we are instructed by God to act on his instruction right away and at others we are called to wait for His perfect timing. The call to start a church was the latter. The Lord spoke to Sandy in 2020 and said “When the people prosper, the church prospers.” She knew it was time to start the church God spoke to her about fourteen years earlier. In July 2020, Patria Life Community Church (PLCC) was started. PLCC is a church with a heart and focus on discipleship. That is, training up and equipping believers to discover their identity in Christ and to find God’s calling, giftings and purpose for their lives so that they can be a testimony to the love and faithfulness of God to others!
Sandy still runs her business, Helping You Succeed, which supports Real Estate Agents in Colorado and across the United States. Sandy met her husband, André, in 2011 and they were married in 2013. André is a consulting civil engineer and officer in the Army Reserve. He shares Sandy’s passion to share the power of the gospel to our community. Their blended family of four children have grown into wonderful young adults pursuing God’s purpose for their lives. Since 2014, André and Sandy have also led a Charis Bible Studies group in their home.
Whether you are a mature believer wanting more in your walk with God or just curious about what the gospel of Christ is all about, PLCC may be the church for you.
If you are at a place in life where you are frustrated and disappointed by religion , PLCC may be the church for you. If you are a Christian who feels tired and defeated with life even when doing all the ‘right’ things, PLCC may be the church for you.
God wants you to prosper abundantly in every area of life. To realize it, we need to renew our minds, get rid of stinking thinking, and be discipled. Change does not happen in a bubble and we all need a place where we can grow together with others who are growing in Christ. We welcome you to visit PLCC this Sunday.
We look forward to meeting you!