Sermons from the year of 2022

The Local Church-What is a Disciple? Part 1

Once you become a Christian, salvation does not stop there. God has amazing things planned for each of His children and we are to “work out our salvation” and part of that includes being a Disciple. There are many converts in the church but not many disciples. Join us as we discuss what is a disciple and how do we work with God to become one!
June 12, 2022

Communion: From Bitter to Sweet

The Bible tells us that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law when Jesus died on the cross for us. Jesus actually became the curse so that freedom would be guaranteed to us. Join us as we remember and honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for us as we observe communion together!
June 12, 2022

The Local Church-Submission & Obedience-Part 1

Did you know that submission and obedience are not the same thing? Submission & obedience are a part of being a disciple. In the word of God, neither are forced on you but both are to be a part of our life. Join us as we discuss what true biblical submission & obedience is so that we can walk in the freedom God wants us to have!
May 15, 2022

The Local Church-Submission & Authority-Part 2

“Authority & Submission” are two topics that are greatly misunderstood in the body of Christ. Authority has to be received and the key to submission is equality. They are both very different but they always go hand and hand. The bible has so much to say about authority and submission and it might be very different than what you think it is! Join us as we discuss what the bible has to say about authority & submission so we can get God’s view and opinion on what it really is!
May 8, 2022
April 17, 2022

All I do is Win!

What is Victory and why is is important for us to know about this in our life? We are victorious in more ways than one!
April 10, 2022

Communion Redeemed from the Curse

Did you know that what God did in Jesus is GREATER than what satan did in Adam? Hallelujah! Galatians tells us that Jesus became the curse for us when He hung on the tree. Join us for communion as we discuss and celebrate the freedom and provision we have in Christ! Join us as we discuss this important truth from the Word of God!
April 3, 2022

The Local Church-Submission & Authority- Part 1

How you receive the one in authority over you, is how you receive God himself. Authority and submission always work together but are very different. Most think that submission is a 4 letter word but when we understand submission correctly, when working with authority, it actually makes great power available. Join us as we discuss the difference between Authority & Submission and get God’s view and opinion on what it really is!
March 27, 2022

The Local Church- Church Government Part 2

The Word of God does not have ‘iron clad’ rules for every detail concerning how a church is run but there are some scriptural principles for us to follow. One of those principles we see is that authority and responsibility in the church go hand and hand. Join us as we discuss this important topic and what the Word of God has to say about it!
March 20, 2022

The Local Church- Church Government Part 1

The Word of God does not have ‘iron clad’ rules for every detail concerning how a church is run but there are some scriptural principles for us to follow. One of those principles we see is that authority and responsibility in the church go hand and hand. Join us as we discuss this important topic and what the Word of God has to say about it!
March 13, 2022